Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Car is Going to be Famous!!!

Okay... not that famous. But if you live in the state of Alabama, you can check out Discovering Alabama on Alabama Public Television on Wednesday night. I think it is on at 7 PM. The subject that night is White Tailed Deer and they called me about videoing my car after the deer jumped on it. I haven't seen it yet but supposedly my car will be on.

Just thought you might want to know. The guy that came to film it worked hard to make it dramatic. I think he was a bit disappointed with the lack of destruction on my car. :-)


Amberly said...

That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

How neat! I would guess we don't get APT, but that is so funny!

lizard queen said...

Hey, that's kinda cool...too bad they didn't interview you!