Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weekend Reflections

Well it's been another busy week on the road.

Last Sunday was a good day. Our small group at church had a bible class after church Sunday night at one of the member's homes. It was a good class... very thought provoking.

Monday was a typical Monday in the office trying to get ready to be on the road for most of the week. Monday night I headed for my hometown in preparation for my three days in Selma (Tuesday through Thursday). Brun had stayed with my parents last weekend so I was very happy to see him when I got to their house.

Tuesday was Day 1 in Selma... nothing too exciting there. Wednesday morning I had a meeting back in my hometown so I was a bit delayed getting to Selma. That was okay with me that meant that I didn't have to stand outside all Wednesday morning. Thursday finished up Week 2 in Selma (1/3 complete) and I headed back to the town where I live with Brun in tow.

On Friday I was back in the office trying to catch up from being gone. Friday afternoon my parents came into town for the weekend. Even though I had seen them for most of the week I am always happy to see them. Friday night we went out to Logan's with Leslie, ToolMan and CRB. Friday night I had to give Brun a bath. He has a lot of fun at my parents house but he comes back FILTHY! I should have washed him on Thursday but I was too tired to worry about it.

Saturday was my "catch up" day. I took Brun to the vet to have his nails cut. That sounds rather girly but he spends enough time inside that I take him to the vet to have them trimmed fairly regularly. After that I started running errands including purchasing a Father's Day card and present and looking for a new purse. Leslie met me at one of the malls and that is when we found our FitFlops.

I spent most of the afternoon running errands and then came home for a late afternoon nap. I must have been pretty tired because when my parents called at 8:15 to see what I wanted to eat for dinner they woke me up and I wasn't sure if it was morning or night. :-) They brought home some dinner and we watched some TV. Saturday and Sunday was the 24 Hours of LeMans Sports Car race so I stayed up way too late last night watching that.

So I guess my week was pretty boring. I am thankful for the fact that I have completed two weeks in Selma (only four more to go). I am thankful that I am able to squeeze in a much needed nap from time to time. I am thankful for my parents who let me stay with them when I am on the road for work, who take care of my dog while I am traveling and who still take care of me.

I hope everyone had a great week! Be sure to visit Judi for more Weekend Reflections.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have got to be the busiest person I "know". :) Have a blessed week this week!